About us
The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) is one of the seven major political foundations in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is closely linked to the German Left Party, Die Linke. The main task of the Foundation is conducting civic education. The RLS implements its activities in the tradition of movements for workers' rights, women's rights, anti-fascist and anti-war movements, advocating ideas of a democratic socialism.
RLS was founded in 1990. The Foundation promotes critical analysis of society and supports activities that aim a socially just and inclusive society. The foundation promotes cooperation and equitable dialogue and develops concepts and practices of civic education. In this way the foundation is committed to the legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, which involves criticizing capitalism, opposing imperialism, war and upholding the values of democracy, social justice and solidarity.

RLS operates in the Central Asian region through its office, which opened in Almaty in 2019. The program is funded by the German Parliament through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - BMZ). Based on the ideas of democratic socialism, the program promotes economic, social, cultural, environmental and civil rights as well as regional and interregional cooperation in Central Asia and beyond.

RLS supports the activities of partner organizations in Central Asia that are officially registered in one of the countries of the region. Organizations must share common values and goals in order to receive support from the foundation. RLS cooperates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social movements, educational and cultural institutions. Projects supported by the Foundation must have a strictly non-profit orientation.
Photographers: Marlies Linke, pexels
"Strengthening economic, environmental, social, cultural and civil rights, as well as intra- and inter-regional interaction in Central Asia"
Strengthening social, economic, environmental, cultural and civil rights
Social subjects on individual and organizational level disseminate knowledge about economic, environmental, social, cultural and civil rights, as well as opportunities for their implementation through relevant approaches and methods
Central Asia - intra- and interregional interaction
Social actors in Central Asia are interacting to contribute to a common understanding within and transregional processes
Critical perception and (re-)thinking of issues of identities in Central Asia
Social actors (in program countries) of most
societies, as well as minorities support respectful Dialogue on Diversity of
Identities in Central Asia
Marlies Linke
Head of Regional Office Central Asia, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Murat Talypov
Finance Manager
Leyla Muzaparova
Project Manager
Bayan-Sulu Bolysbaeva
Office Manager
Irina Chernykh
Project Manager
Sergey Marinin
Project Manager