April-September 2024
Afghanistan under the Taliban - How Do Neighbours and Powers respond to them?

University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED)
The project ‘Afghanistan under Taliban rule - reaction of neighbouring countries and great powers?’ implemented by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in partnership with the Representative Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Central Asia was aimed at discussing issues of regional security and stability in and around Afghanistan from the perspective of Central Asian countries and major Eurasian actors such as China, India, Russia and the EU.

The aims of the project are as follows:

  • Analysis of security processes inside Afghanistan, assessment of the degree of consolidation of the Taliban elites as a key factor in the country’s stability, as well as the degree of stability of the financial, economic, food and humanitarian situation in the country;
  • Assessing the state of political, diplomatic and economic relations of Central Asian countries, the West, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Iran with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, prospects for its official recognition, as well as international investment in projects for the development of Afghan natural resources, construction of industrial, agricultural and transport projects;
  • Assessing the new challenges to regional stability and security that have emerged since the Taliban returned to power: the water problem, cross-border terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and drug trafficking (synthetic drugs);
  • Determining the possibility of the emergence of new ideological narratives in the region against the backdrop of the Taliban’s course towards creating a state in Afghanistan based on religious principles;
  • Determining the contours and prospects of the new Great Afghan Game between the world's leading players - the West, China, Russia, India.

Main activities of the project:

  • International conference ‘Afghanistan under Taliban rule - reaction of neighbouring countries and great powers?’ (27 August 2024, Tashkent, UWED) with participation of experts from Central Asian countries, China, India, Russia and Germany.

  • Master Class for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students (28 August 2024, Tashkent, UWED):

    • Dr Shanthie Mariet D'Souza, Founder and President, Mantra Institute of Strategic Studies (MISS) and Visiting Lecturer, Naval War College, Goa, India. The theme of the masterclass is ‘Great Power Rivalry and the Long Term Stabilisation of Afghanistan’.

    • Farhod Tolipov, PhD in Political Science, Director of the non-state scientific and educational institution ‘Bilim Karvoni’ (‘Caravan of Knowledge’), Uzbekistan. Masterclass topic: ‘Trends in Central Asian Security: Risks and Opportunities’.