9 March 2023, online discussion
Is Kazakhstan a Country of the Global Periphery? The Terms and Possibilities for Overcoming Peripheral Development
Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

RLS Representative Office in Central Asia
Rosa Luxemburg has been remaining one of the chief theorists of imperialism. A number of her concepts, including the uneven development of the center and the periphery and the constant geographic expansion of the system of capital accumulation, are the starting point for a host of critical concepts describing our historical moment (neoliberal globalization, dependent development theory, world-system analysis and others). In a public discussion with economist Kuat Akizhanov, researcher Elmira Satybaldieva, and historian Jar Zardykhan, we will discuss how these concepts apply to Kazakhstan’s current position in the world and in the post-Soviet space, as well as to the development of its own territory. The discussion is timed to coincide with Rosa Luxemburg's birthday (5 March 1871).

Main speakers:
-  Kuat Akizhanov, - PhD, Economist, Kazakhstan
-  Elmira Satybaldieva – PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the Conflict Analysis Research Centre, University of Kent
-  Zhar Zardykhan – PhD, Historian-Orientalist, Kazakhstan

-    Dmitriy Mazorenko – Independent Researcher, Editor at independent online media Vlast.kz, Kazakhstan

Questions for discussion:
1. Is Kazakhstan a country of the "Global Periphery"? If so, how does it manifest its peripherality in different areas (geographic, economic, technological, cultural, educational, etc.)?
2. What is Kazakhstan's role and place in the international division of labor?
3. Is Kazakhstan capable of overcoming the state of peripherality, and to what extent does this depend on the state and society itself?