Publications — 2023

Climate Migration in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions

2023-05-01 19:09 Collections of materials Socio-ecological Transformation
This proceedings include reports from the participants of the international conference "Climate Migration in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions", held in Tashkent, UWED, on October 19, 2022. The event was organized by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in cooperation with the Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Representative Office in Central Asia (Germany).

The conference was attended by teachers, scientists and leading experts in the field of climate change and overcoming its consequences from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the UK.

The relevance of this collection is determined by the fact that climate change in Central Asia is a serious challenge to the long-term economic development and social stability of the countries of the region. The combined impact of some natural and anthropogenic factors will give impetus to a further sharp change in the usual climatic landscape in the form of an increase in air temperature,

salinization and desertification of soils, an increase in the frequency of dust storms, shallowing of rivers, degradation of forest lands and traditional types of irrigation. All this can directly affect significant masses of the population living in climatically vulnerable areas of Central Asia, causing the processes of their migration within their countries of residence, in Central Asia itself and beyond.

Proceedings can be considered the first step towards a broader academic and practical discussion of the problem of climate migration in the Central Asian region, with the aim of developing scenarios and measures for a comprehensive response to the challenges of climate migration, with a special focus on solving social problems.

The collection is intended for political scientists, international affairs specialists, experts and practitioners involved in the study of climate change and forced migration, as well as teachers and students of universities.
Editor: Rustam Makhmudov, Compiler: Madina Abdullaeva