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Call for writing analytical materials on socio-ecological transformation (SET) in the countries of Central Asia (CA)

2024-04-22 15:50 Announcement
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Representative Office Central Asia within the framework of the 2022-2024 program "Strengthening economic, environmental, social, cultural and civil rights, as well as intra- and inter-regional interaction in Central Asia" announces a call for writing analytical materials on socio-ecological transformation (SET) in the countries of Central Asia (CA).
To date, the concept of SET is rather new for the CA region, as the issues related to social, economic and ecological changes are studied and analyzed separately, but all three issues are deeply interrelated, as changes in one of these spheres inevitably affect the further development of other spheres as well.

Purpose of the materials: to promote public discussion and raise public awareness on issues of socio-ecological transformation in CA countries.

Since the materials can be translated and also published in English and German, the materials should reach not only the expert community and the wider public in Central Asia, but also readers in Germany, who are most likely not familiar with the intricacies of the socio-ecological situation in the region.

We invite all interested parties to write analytical papers on one of the following main topics:

1. Analysis of green economy and green energy development in CA countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) in terms of its impact on the development of economic, ecological and social situation in these countries. In this block, authors are proposed to focus on the following issues about:

1.1 the existing or likely impact of renewable energy generation and its utilization on the ecological, economic and social situation in CA countries;

1.2 how the processes of decarbonization and use of alternative energy sources (including green hydrogen, nuclear energy) in CA countries will affect to the development of economic, ecological and social situation at the country, regional and international levels;

1.3 what are the risks and challenges for the countries of the region in generating energy from both renewable and alternative energy sources;

1.4 analyzing changes in the economic, ecological and social spheres of CA countries in the process of building a green economy;

1.5 what are the risks and challenges for the countries of the region in the transition to a green economy.

2. Water security issues in the CA region. In this block, authors are proposed to focus on such issues as:

2.1 socio-ecological implications of the green energy transition: what implications are possible or already occurring with regard to the realization of the human right to access to clean drinking water and sanitation;

2.2 economic implications of the transition to a green economy: what consequences are possible or already occurring in terms of economic benefits and losses for the countries of the region, for their water, industrial, agricultural sectors;

2.3 impact of climate change on citizens' livelihoods: climate/ecological migration against the background of flooding, access to water resources, land degradation;

2.4 impact of climate change on possible increase of water scarcity in the countries of the region from a regional security perspective: risks and potential transboundary water conflicts at bilateral, trilateral and regional levels;

2.5 readiness of countries to adapt to changing climate conditions: the role of youth and gender inclusion in human resource training in the countries of the region.

Region: Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)

Each material must meet the following technical requirements:

  • Language of materials – Russian
  • Volume of material up to 10,000 characters, including spaces
  • Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5
  • Citing Chicago Style Sources

Terms and conditions of the call:

  • The call is open to experts and researchers, journalists, and applications from master's and doctoral students are welcome.
  • Potential authors may suggest additional or other issues for consideration under the designated topics.
  • The application must consist of:
· Concept/annotation of no more than 500 words. The free-form concept should contain the proposed structure of the material, keywords, and proposed deadlines for their preparation;

· CV of the potential author with reference to published materials on similar topics.
  • The proposed in the application form deadlines for the preparation of the material should be realistic and justified.

Procedure for receiving and selecting applications:

  • Applications will be accepted until May 12, 2024 until 23:59 Almaty time. Applications must be sent to with the indication “Call for SET materials” in the subject line.
  • Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted for consideration.
  • After preliminary review of applications, the Representative Office team will contact the most suitable applicants between May 13 and May 22, 2024 for a more detailed discussion of the proposals. The final decision on the selection of implementers will be based on the results of the discussions.

Expected result:

Following the received material, it’s planned to conduct a final event to which selected authors will be invited to present their materials and this event will also include a discussion based on the authors' presentations.

For more information about the call, you can contact by emailing